Spreading the Good News to our Community.
Spreading the Good News to our Community.

Who We Are

About us

At Seed you will soon discover that we are a bunch of everyday people who love Jesus, and therefore we make Him the focus of everything we do. We strive to honour and worship Jesus as Lord of all. We are a diverse community who come from different traditions and cultural background, all united in their love for Jesus and each other.

Seed is part of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches, check out FIEC for more information.

Our Leadership Team

Tony Owers

Tony agreed to join the leadership team at our July meeting. With a strong emphasis in adhering to God’s Word, Tony adds focus to the core beliefs of our Gospel Centred Church. His other responsibility is the property team lead, organising working bees etc and keeping the place in good nick.

Martin Jones

Martin was elected into the role of Elder of the Church back in 2017. Heavily involved in overseeing the church since then, Martin also shows a passion with a strong concern for the community life within and without the church and a great desire to see the lost brought near to Christ.

Roger Day

Roger has been with the Church from its initial plant and joined the Elders team back in 2017. Showing a willingness to help shepherd the Church in 2023 and beyond. Dedicated to God’s Word and passionate about God’s people, Roger brings to the table a wealth of knowledge and experience in printing and IT.

Postal Address

c/o 75 McCallum Street
Swan Hill,
Victoria 3585


Sundays 10:30am
The Hall,
38 Swan Hill Road, Murray Downs,
NSW, 2734

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With Seed Community Church.